Create Tasks
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Last updated
To start with, make sure to create a Bitcoin Task group first.
The + button next to speedup section is used to create a bitcoin task.
Wallet group: Choose the wallet group you want to use to create your task
Wallet: Choose the wallet(s) you want to use to create your task
BTC Address: Insert the address
Service Provider Address: Choose your prefered Provider, we are using
, you can add this in the rpc page of settings.
Amount of Tasks: The amount of tasks you want per wallet, leave empty if you want to have 1 task per wallet.
Transfer amount: The amount in BTC for example: 0.001
Transfer function: It's auto set by MinTech
Function parameters: Check release channel
Gas fee: one value, like 80
Gas mode:
Default: Then you have to inpit the Gas Fee value yourself.
Rapid, use the fast gas what has a estimated confirmation of 10 minutes.
Advanced section of the task page. This page is only interesting for custom drops.
Timestamp: You can let the bot wait to a specific timestamp to run the tasks. We use for formatting.
Proxy Group: Select your proxy group when it is said in the release channel.